Saturday 16 August 2014

Affleck comments on Batman Casting Decision

As entirely expected, the announcement last August that Ben Affleck would star as Batman in the Man of Steel sequel certainly resulted in some polarised views. Many were disappointed with the decision which eventually spawned jokes about how inappropriate he was for the role.

But now, speaking to EW, Affleck has commented on the "Batfleck" opinions.

"I can tell you that every time I do a role, it’s the responsibility of an actor to get their physical self as close to the role as possible. And Batman’s obviously got a set of expectations that are tough."

"Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. I wouldn’t have taken the part if I didn’t trust my instincts in terms of the film-making."

"’s incumbent on you to do a good job and make it as excellent as you possibly can. At the end of the day, the movie’s all that matters."

What do you guys think about the casting of Affleck? Were you initially sceptical or did you hold confidence in the decision? and has your opinion on it changed since? We'd love to hear from you guys.

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