The film begins with a long and largely unnecessary introduction to the relationship of Annie (Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segel). The reason it's unnecessary is because I couldn't really believe that these two people were in their twenties. After that, we finally get introduced to their adult married life, which is sexless, despite the fact that they love each other very much. In the spur of the moment, the decide to film each other having sex with each other. This soon turns bad when the video gets synced to every iPad that they've given as gifts (which is a lot apparently).
This movie misses the mark when it comes to most of the jokes. There is only little potential in the set ups that are there and these mostly fall flat, especially the jokes about the domestic lives these two characters have (again because the two leads aren't playing believable roles).
The film is buoyed up by some master direction from Jake Kasdan (Orange County) and the script written in part by Segel is passable, but to have two leads with as little chemistry as these two. The film is partially saved by the supporting cast. Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper and Rob Lowe all do their best to prop up Segel and Diaz. The best casting decision was probably putting Jack Black as a cameo role. His scene just entails him improvising the names of porn companies and is suitably hilarious.
Verdict: A mediocre comedy at the best of times. Road Trip did a better job.
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