Sunday 10 January 2016

Jack's Top 5 of 2015

Another year done and a whole bunch of movies watched. Here are my Top 5 of 2015.

A Most Violent Year
Yes J.C. Chandor's slow burn crime(?) thriller was released on New Year's Eve 2014, but most of us would have seen it in the following month. The reason I love this movie so much was because it defied expectations of what it was supposed to be. Going in I thought this film was about the mafia because of it's 80's New York setting. Instead we got a subtle, nuanced film about the heating oil industry. And doing what is most right.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
This indie film was an instant classic for me. It took me back to my own teen years and spoke to me in a language I know best, FILM! Its heartfelt story and performances from a young fresh cast that reaffirmed what I love about cinema and also really showed what can be done with a smaller budget, especially if there's a great script behind it.

Sometimes what makes a film great is its soundtrack and luckily Dope has a pretty fantastic soundtrack, full of hip-hop tracks that I grew up with. However, that's not what made Dope a fantastic film. The reason it's on my list is due to its amazingly tense script that is a real emotional roller coaster.

The Lobster
Yorgos Lanthimos' bizarre offbeat comedy was definitely not for everybody. The strange film deals with social norms around marriage and being in a relationship, but the reason it's on my list is just because it's just straight up absurdist comedy at its finest. Colin Farrell's constant confused looks are just enough to make me tear up with laughter.

Ex Machina
Alex Garland's tense sci-fi thriller brings up a lot of issues about what it is to be human. Alicia Vikander's amazing performance as Ava is subtle and enthralling and is backed up perfectly by Domhnall Gleeson. Oscar Isaac once again makes an appearance on this list because I think he is fantastic.

Honourable Mentions

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - I'm such a huge fan of the Mission: Impossible movies that it would be wrong of me not to to include this exciting instalment at all.

Black Sea - This submarine thriller seriously came out of nowhere and blew me away at how nuanced it was. I thought I was going to watch some harmless action on a submarine, but was treated with some nice slow-burning tension.

Testament of Youth - This World War I biopic about a woman's experiences with having all the men close to her die during the war and struggling with perceptions of her place in society was pretty moving stuff.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Come on, it's the Wars! There's no way I couldn't mention it...

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